Thursday, June 4, 2009

Dear China: Are You Kidding Me?!

What is happening in China today is simply outrageous and sickening.

I personally have so many issues with China.

Not only is it one of the world's leading suppliers of dog and cat fur to the United States and responsible for the horrendous deaths of millions of other defenseless animals, it also still has a strong oppressive hold on its own people.

Can someone please explain to me how is it possible that despite the Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989, the Chinese have less freedom today than they did 20 years ago?!

It's outrageous!

Sure China's business front has advanced, but those freedoms haven't translated over to the political freedoms of its people.

The swiftness and deftness that the Chinese government employed in blocking any sort of acknowledgment of the Tiennamen anniversary is downright bone chilling.

Why aren't we, and by we, I mean the United States of America, paying more attention to this Super Power?


I'll tell you why...because money talks.

China is the U.S.' number one economic ally.

So, why would we bite the hand that feeds us?

We must be extremely weary of a country that is willing to brutally murder its own people and take away their freedoms.

We must be extremely weary of a country that is technologically advanced and uses those advantages in its military and business sectors.


Because if we don't pay attention to the red flags day it'll be too late.

Because wasn't there another country that rose to Super Power status under a sadistic, controlling, oppressive dictator?

Remember what that cost us?

6 million people.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

- George Santayana


Unknown said...

What kind of attention would be appropriate? Exactly what, in terms of policy, are you advocating?

Maureen said...

how about starting wit decent democratic rights such as the right to assemble, the right to protest, the right to freedom of speech, etc.

as far as attention, i feel that the same energy put into monitoring the middle east, should also be applied to the far east.