Saturday, September 19, 2009


Today is the nine year anniversary of my grandmother's - Sister Ammu George - passing.

I called her Ammachy.

She was my second mother.

The one who raised me to be the spiritual woman I am today.

Words can't express the bond/connection we shared.

There are just too many stories to tell.

Maybe one day, I'll write a book about what an incredible woman she was.

But for now, I just want to acknowledge her.

I miss her.

It's an ache that I never thought I'd feel for someone.

I found this birthday card that I had given her, just a few days ago while I was rummaging through some things.

It's dated 3-5-01.

Exactly one month before she was diagnosed with terminal cancer.

And exactly six months before she passed away.

I miss you Ammachy.

And love you more than ever.

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