Monday, March 23, 2009

Return to the (is)Lands #2: Nevis

For the next six days, the sis and I will be visiting with the 'rents in their home on the island of Nevis.

We left St.Kitts and the Marriott mid-afternoon on the ferry for Nevis on Sunday.
Ever since I entered the Caribbean (St. Maarten to be exact), I haven't had any cell service or WiFi access (the Blackberry sucks down here, unless you have a "global" one.) So hence, that's why no Twitter/Blogtastic updates from St. Maarten and St. Kitts. I sincerely do apologize. :-/

But things are back to normal here on Nevis. I've decided that I can't live without the Internet. I literally will melt. I know. It's sad.

Being back on Nevis brings up so many mixed feelings for me.

This is where I grew up, spending my young teen years here. Most of the memories are bad...of childhood experiences in the schools, etc., but the rest is definitely good.

And as I re-experience the island again, after more than a 10+ year absence, I find myself focusing on the good and just enjoying the island for what it is...a beautiful gem in the Caribbean...that just happens to be one of my childhood homes...

View of Nevis Peak from the Sea Bridge Ferry.

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