Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Destined Destiny

What do a black president-elect and a Jewish queen have in common?


Exactly in less than 12 hours on this phenomenally historic day - Tuesday, January 20, 2009 - Barack Obama will be sworn in (at noon) as the 44th President of the United States of America.

When I think about Obama and the emotions he elicits in the masses - awe, hope, promise, faith, progress and change - instantly this verse comes to mind:

“...And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14, NIV

The Book of Esther tells the tale of a troubled time in Israel and a remarkable woman, Queen Esther.

At one point, the whole fate of the nation of Israel rested in Esther's decisions and her destiny. It was only because of Esther's obedience to God, that a massive genocide in Israel was averted. Esther had two choices: 1)obey God's destiny for her life or 2)choose to live the life she always wanted. You can read more about it here.

Besides the obvious difference, I think there are a lot of similarities and parallels between Obama and Esther. Both have "found" themselves in a position of power in a country that is experiencing troubled times. Both have decided to put their people/country first before themselves. Both have decided to take a huge risk in following what they believe in and feel compelled in doing something about it. Both have bucked traditions in order to establish a future. Both had hope and believed in their people. Both were wiling to risk everything for their people.

Both have chosen to follow their destiny.

Whether your blood runs hot red or cold blue, whether you agree/disagree on whether or not a black man should be president, Obama's time is now.

No matter how the next four years play out - good, bad or ugly -
I am strongly convinced that Obama was destined for this day, for this country, for this people, for this purpose, just as Esther was. This man was chosen for this moment. Through his divine destiny, he is here. Just as Esther was. And no matter what happens, we, the people, will be affected by Obama's destiny, because that is our destiny. Just as it was the destiny for Esther and her people, the Israelites.

Divinely-destined change is in the here, and in the now...for such a time as this.

***UPDATE (12:43 p.m. EST)*** Read Obama's Inaugural Address here and watch destiny being made history here.